Sunday, May 6, 2007


I just wanted to apologize for the halt in my blog postings last week. I was sick as a dog in bed for 4 days straight. I have no idea what was wrong with me, but it wasn't good...I think it was the flu. Anyways, I'm feeling much better now thanks to a jumble of antibiotics and tons of sleep. I'd have to say that the cause of my illness was partially due to grueling 2 a-day Airband practices beginning at 7am. For those of you who don't know, airband is a dance/cheer/everything competition on the last day of Greek Week. Although it sounds like it's no big deal, sororities and fraternities spend hours upon hours practicing for the event which is judged much like a traditional dance competition. My sorority in particular spent a total of 100hrs practicing and those hours definitely paid off in the end because we won first place! This was the first time my sorority won 1st in the 3 years I participated so it was especially exciting for me. Our theme was " Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?" You can view a youtube video of our Airband here. I hope you'll enjoy it!


Jleans said...

Hey I watched your video and you guys were actually very impressive. You must have spent over a month getting that routine down. Did you win any prizes or anthing? And don't be sorry about not be honest I didn't even know.

Zach Heller said...

Haha, I like the apology. I might have to apologize for waiting until the last weekend to make the first edit to one of my wikipedia articles. Woops.