Thursday, March 1, 2007

Teamate Comment #1: Cullenoscopy

While reading over Sean's blog, I came across an interesting post entitled "Flogging". The post talks about how Sony used a fake blog in order to promote their new product the PSP. This got me to thinking about how many other companies have used this very same technique. After searching around on the net for some inside scoop on faux blogging, I found another blog that posed an even more interesting question...How soon will it be before companies begin posting fake blogs that are intended to look and and feel fake? Since fake blogging will be outlawed in the coming year, the blogger proposes this as a counter action. Now that I think about it, a fake blog that is intentionally and obviously a marketing campaign doesn't seem like a bad idea. Fake fake blogs would appeal to a younger generation and get people more excited than would say, a commercial. Who knows, maybe by the time I graduate there will be thousands of job openings for those such "fake bloggers."

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