Sunday, April 15, 2007

Blogosphere Comment #4: "Dana Vanden Heuvel's" weblog

While looking through Dana's blog, I stumbled onto an article entitled " It's 2007, Do you know where your local internet listing is?" I found the article to be very interesting. She ( or he, i really dont know) noticed that often times, when businesses are searched within Google, the results are far from perfect. In fact, she even found that her own website had a was linked to another website. After reading the article, I decided to search my father's business on Google to see what the results would entail. To my surprise, there were no results. His business is relatively small, but I can't believe my technologically impaired father hasn't even created a website. The business has grown very fast over the last couple of years, but I can only imagine how much more growth would ensue if he would just make a measily little website. I'm gonna hafta have a little talk with him when I go home.


Dana VanDen Heuvel - said...


Getting your Father's business squared away on Google local is a great way to ensure that his presence on the internet is correct for any would-be searchers. Don't forget about Yahoo and the other local engines too!

Sophia said...

Thanks Dana! I'm definately going to help him get set-up when I go home for the summer. I'll let you know how it works out!